Termites in New Jersey - Here in NJ we we have to contend with many types of wood destroying insects, especially termites. No one likes to hear that word "termite", but it is something to keep in mind when buying a home or even checking the home you live in now.
First of all, you should always hire a qualified pest inspector to properly check for termites on a regular basis. But in the meantime, make sure you check your home for mud tubes. Also, every insect's damage looks different, so don;t mistake termite damage for carpenter ant damage (as many do). Below is picture of termite damage that you can compare to. Questions? Contact me!
First of all, you should always hire a qualified pest inspector to properly check for termites on a regular basis. But in the meantime, make sure you check your home for mud tubes. Also, every insect's damage looks different, so don;t mistake termite damage for carpenter ant damage (as many do). Below is picture of termite damage that you can compare to. Questions? Contact me!